Friday, February 22, 2008


WTF is it with State Troopers..........ticket writing ASSHATS !!


QOAT said...

Do I detect a leadfooted disturbance in the force???

Cornelius said...

Asshat is one of those Internet words, like "fucktard." But while I know what a fucktard is supposed to be, sort of, I confess to not understanding what an asshat is. Is is something that an ass would wear as a hat? Wouldn't that just be underwear? Maybe, instead of "asshat," we should just call people "underwear." So, to rephrase: "Ticket-writing underwears!" Sounds like poorly translated dialogue from a Japanese cartoon.

QOAT said...

An asshat refers to the only thing that person would be good ass hat. Like their brain has no other reason to be there except for being an ass hat...everything above the useful as a football bat.